The concept that being nice, just, generous, patient and understanding will keep us safe, develop good and stable relationships with other nations and allows us to live a comfortable life, is an illusion, a fairy tale.
This illusion has been transmitted to our youngest generation in colleges everywhere, and by the ‘feel good’ party known as Democrats. A lie repeated enough times becomes ‘truth’ and many in our younger generations now believe the legend. The fact is that we fought many wars, dropped countless bombs, used pressure, etc. to achieve the world status we have today. This is what every other nation did or attempted, throughout history.
Feeling Good is not the sole goal of the 'feel good' people, but to preserve and sanction their intellectual laziness to confront a non-so-pretty reality of the human condition, their appetite and imperfections.
America was not built on that illusion, and it can’t survive if we stick to conducts dictated by it.
We have to put America first. We have friends and enemies, and we should treat them accordingly.
People elsewhere do not hate us because are rich and powerful, they admire and envy us for that. They want what we have, they are competing with us. Obama did not have to go on the Apology Tour, we have nothing to apologize for and a lot to be proud of: millions gained their freedom thanks in no small part to America. Life in this planet is better because of us. We are the beacon, the promise of freedom, liberty and prosperity for billions in this world; people that admire and emulate us.
People around the world do not hate us. Most of them would live here if allowed.
We made this country fighting, and we can only keep it great by the same means.
Taking the ‘high moral ground’ it is, for those who seek refuge from the real world, just an excuse to let others do the ‘dirty’ work for them, even despite them.
We are at war, in multiple fronts, taking the guard down by tying our hands behind our backs, and disclosing our fighting methods to the enemy, is the stupidest, most self-defeating action we can take.
On the other hand, the ‘humble, nice, principled’ Democrats, by thinking that USA can still win the battle with our hands tied, are showing supreme arrogance, since to them, we are so far superior that we can still win while so handicapped against other ‘obviously’ so inferior competitors.