The other side of the Adoring Crowds
Barack Obama’s style of leadership provokes the gathering of thousands who scream praises for him and shout his name in nothing less than adoration. These are powerful events, that remind us of the adoring crowds that Mao, Mussolini, Peron and others managed to put together. Large adoring crowds are not rational, they find support on the fanatics of the group, which makes reason, measure and other balancing forces, superfluous.
As in most crowds reactions, there is no real message delivered to them, or expected. A deep sense of any message given to them by the leader is not what elicits the blind obedience an adoration, but the way the message is delivered, by who, in front of whom, the initial and instant roaring approval and the most simplistic ideas being delivered.
The initial crowds and reactions to the leader, are always paid or forced. People are paid or offered a meal to ‘seed the square’, others will invariably follow, consistent with the herd mentality of all crowds. This is true in North Korea and in mainland USA.
Argentina (where I grew up) had General Peron, who could gather a crowd of a million at a moment’s notice. The often repeated message that awakened the most fervor was ‘Our best asset is our People’ (lo mejor que tenemos es el pueblo’ This was adoration in reverse, since ‘the people’ is meant to point back to the adoring crowd, who was always too happy to celebrate the ‘recognition’ by their leader, in fact cheering themselves through Peron. Peron had another favorite saying: ‘in Argentina, the only privileged are the old and the children’. This is both a self-evident statement that is hard to argue, and a falsehood, as Peron and his friends made themselves enormously rich, while the people suffered. This is the way of the demagogues that draw their power by fooling large crowds of mostly the young and uneducated into believing that he is in their side. This is an abuse of the same system (Democracy) that they destroy, as they get elected by the votes of the uninformed and those who want the rewards of the work of somebody else.
ACORN collects those crowds, votes, and drives them to vote for Obama. We saw ‘this movie’ before, and it is not a good one. Things eventually get back to normal as most people feel disappointed, but it takes generations.
One very important indicator is Obama’s policy to do away with the secret vote by workers on union matters, including joining a labor union. This should not be overlooked. This is doing away with the democratic expression of the individual worker’s decision, and allowing the union bosses, bullies and mafia to in fact force the workers to vote the interest of the union. Then, once elected ‘democratically’, they don’t need to ‘ask’ anymore, they can force their will by changing rules, laws, etc.
With a majority in both houses in Congress, this is exactly the power that Obama will get. This is a mirror image of what happened in Argentina and other unfortunate nations that democratically elected a radical, leftist, ‘community organizer’.
Just as Peron and other dictators did, they do not practice what they preach. Obama propitiates ‘sharing the wealth’, yet he lives in a 1.5 million mansion. He could lead by example, sell his home, move to a more modest $200,000 apartment and share the wealth with another seven families who lost their homes. Mr. Buffet could follow suit, and be consistent with their proclaimed philosophy and policy, but they don’t. And the mass media does not call them on that.
Obama is not on the side of the crowds, he uses the crowds to gain power. In his life, everything has been a stepping stone to the next level of power, and so will be the presidency. Senator Obama is mad at America, and he decided, early on, that he was going to do something about it, and he is in the blink of success. Once in power, he will change the rules and nullify the democratic checks and balances to a degree that will take generations to undo the harm.
Obama does not believe in the Democratic process, only uses it for his own designs. When an Anchor from an Orlando TV station posed questions that were too close to the truth (calling his policies ‘Marxism’) he silenced that entire TV station from any further contact with his campaign. This is as close as censure as it comes, another strong marker of tyrannies.
People do not vote for this kind of leader based on track record, facts or even clear evidence. They are manipulated, the ‘believe’ and/or ‘like’ the candidate, and go for it. They don’t just disregard the evidence, they make fun of the fact that they just vote for ‘the guy’ because they ‘like’ him. That is a huge bet based only on the most basic, elemental and untested way of selection.
Indications of what Obama is really all about, and what he will do to this Country are all over the place (his associations, his declared policies, his failure to keep his word on his written commitment to campaign finance, etc.) but they mean nothing to an adoring crowd.
As for the average American, who is legitimately and rightfully proud to be an American, please note that ‘cowboy Capitalism’ is what made America the country they so much love. Senator Obama has declared his war against every single principle on which America is built on, including the most basic of individual responsibility, enjoyment and reward for the individual’s success or failures.
History shows that ‘collectivization’ of rewards for initiative, effort and work, do not work. Pooling all the money together and letting the government distribute it, is incompatible with our human desire to improve our conditions. Look no further than the Soviet Union and North Korea (compare with ethnically and geographically identical South Korea). This ‘ideology’ is dead on arrival, but nevertheless Obama and his followers want to revive it.
Another highly destructive consequence of Obama’s policy is the ‘class war’ it proposes, by antagonizing, differentiating and denouncing the rich, against the poor. America is a highly mobile society where people are not required to be descendents of the Pioneers or the Mayflower passenger list, to succeed. This is not the case in many countries, where you are stuck in the social strata where you are born into. In America, the waiter serving you at the restaurant can be the son of a millionaire; people do move up and down according to their intelligence, efforts, initiative and courage. We do not see people with lower income as pariah (or lumpen proletariat), but as people either on the way up, or who do not care to enrich themselves. ‘Only in America’ we like to say, one can be poor one day, a millionaire the next, and maybe poor again later on. You can make it in America!. There is no hate for the rich, but mostly admiration. There is no class warfare in our Nation, but Obama is creating one by pointing out differences if not opposition between ‘the rich and the poor’, as if those are permanent labels, perennial membership to one group or another.
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