Saturday, October 13, 2012

Don’t take the Immigrant Vote for Granted!

Immigrants to America came here because we were not happy in the countries of our birth.  Putting thousands of miles between us and the places where we grew up and setting up in a completely new environment with a different language, culture and traditions was very hard. We did not go through all that just to change America into the countries we came from or something else.  Remember: we chose America. Why would we want it to undergo a fundamental change? To become more like those ‘other’ places we left behind? Nonsense!

When we read the maiden speech of U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, describing how his immigrant working class parents were able to start him on the path to fulfilling his American dream, we have to fight back tears.  He speaks for all of us.

I believe that most immigrants, like me, thank this nation for the opportunity to become citizens of the greatest and most noble experiment in human organization in history. We want to strengthen, not weaken our chosen nation or transform it into the socialist, tyrannical, or corrupt places we left behind!

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