Saturday, October 13, 2012

Conversations with my liberal friend 'Bob' 2

Bob, do you like the America you were born into, more than you like other countries?

If you don't, then the rest of this letter makes no sense.

If you do, if you are proud of America, its achievements, the place of America in the world and how we are the envy and admiration of the world (and hope), what people do you think imagined and made this America?

People that have the ideals of Romney or Obama?   Do you think that Obama really likes America, that he is a patriot, proud to be an American?  Do you think he wants to just adjust some issues, that he is just pushing for some more fairness, or he wants to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA?

Would you like America to be fundamentally different?  His friends, favorite authors, priest, etc. scream for an America that you would not recognize. 

He had some reservations and stops because he  needed to run again, but as he said he will have more flexibility now as this is his last election.  Even more ruling without and against the laws that Congress passes and in open dispute with the Supreme Court (which is how our Democratic Republic operates for good or bad).

My impression is that he is a tyrant on the making.  He despises the limits put on him by the other branches, he is arrogant, narcissistic, messianic and inexperienced.  That scares the living stuff out of me.  He has a lot in common with other tragically famous people in history, I don't want this to the last beacon of hope in the world Bob.  That is where i am coming from, and that supersedes all other considerations. The rest are details.

Like him, his predecessors in that line of thinking used illiterate youth for propaganda and intimidation.  Like them, he does not respect restraints on his power. Like them, lies are allowed because their cause is so noble.  Yes, he scares me seriously.  I saw this movie before and it does not end well.

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